Carpets remain one of the top options when it comes to floor covers. This lush material fell out of favor for a bit as builders opted for hardwood. But it’s now making a well-deserved comeback. One research indicated that the carpet industry will reach $132 billion by 2030.

The push towards carpets is due to several factors. Innovations in fabrics and textiles are major drivers. Carpets are also a better option for spaces like bedrooms and basements. Hardwood will make these areas feel sterile. The carpet gives it a softer look. It also dampens the sound and makes the room quieter.

It’s vital that you keep carpets clean though. The material does draw in dust and dander like you wouldn’t believe. The good news is it’s easy to learn how to clean carpet. There are also a myriad of tips and tricks you can use to make the task easier.

Deal with Stains Sooner Rather Than Later

This is the rule of thumb that independent cleaning services follow. It doesn’t matter if it’s from wine, coffee, or blood. Stains must become removed at once. Use a clean cloth to remove the stain. Spray a good quality cleaning solution on the area. Then start dabbing from the edge and move towards the center of the stain.

You can also use regular household items like baking powder or club soda. But remember to blot instead of rub. The former lets the cloth soak up the stain. The latter will cause particles to ground into the fibers. This will then lead to a breakdown of the material.

Ice the Gum

No one likes stepping on chewing gum. It’s sticky and hard to remove. There’s also nothing more annoying than feeling your heel stuck on the floor. But this happens more often than you think. What would make it worse is if you brought that gum inside and on the carpet.

You can deal with this hot mess by freezing the gum. Get some ice cubes and press them against the sticky glob. 30 to 45 seconds should do it. You can then use a spoon to lift up the wad of gum. Cut off the carpet strands with sharp scissors. Make sure you cut close to the gum so you’ll only cut a small amount of fabric.

Squeegee Out That Hair

Hair fall is inevitable. Experts even say that we lose a hundred or so strands of hair per day. So you can expect to find fine strands of hair on your carpet. It’s worse if you have pets. Some dogs are notorious shedders.

You can vacuum those annoying strands off your carpet. Or you can use an ordinary window squeegee. Professional cleaners for hire will sometimes get a damp squeegee. They’ll then move it from side to side on the carpet’s surface. It will pick up and remove those strands in no time.

Keep Sweets Away

Every parent will agree that their children are perfect angels. But getting candy stuck on the carpet is pure evil. This will happen to anyone with kids and carpeting. You can resolve the problem by scrapping the candy out using a butter knife. Soak the area with a sponge afterward. Dip the sponge in a soapy mixture first. This will help neutralize the sugar on the fabric. Otherwise, you’ll have a sticky spot that attracts ants and dust. Blot the area dry once all traces of the candy’s removed.

All You Need for a Clean Home

There’s no reason to stress about cleaning. Let Clean My Space CT handle it. We’ll do all the cleaning while you do all the relaxing. We have a team of well-trained and professional cleaners ready to help. It’s why we’re one of the best cleaning companies in the Charlotte area. Our services include residential and commercial cleaning. We also offer disinfection and move in/move out cleaning. Buzz us at (860) 539-8725 to request a quote. You can also contact us at