Our little ones’ imagination knows no limits and much as we enjoy observing their creativity and wittiness, their playful ventures leave behind loads of mess. Keeping their space organized and clean is quite a challenge for every parent, but with some efficient strategies and a bit of planning, you can stay on top of it. 

While trusting the tidiness of your home in Southington, CT to dedicated house cleaners is a smart way to keep your environment safe and hygienic, making an effort to create a kids’ room routine that involves them as well can bring multiple benefits. Let’s see how!

southington co house cleanersHow do you clean a cluttered kids room?

With meaningful planning and practical tips, you can turn this into a transformative experience for both you and your little one, no matter their age. Have a look at these efficient steps:

Putting things away

Make the process of picking up clothes, books, and toys and putting them back in their place a matter of habit. Decide a particular time when they should do it, like before brushing their teeth or before dinner. This is a simple task where children of all ages can take part in. You can make it more fun and challenging by turning it into a small competition. Set the timer for 5 or 10 minutes and challenge them to beat the clock.

Put on fresh sheets

Make sure you replace your little one’s bedding frequently enough to secure a healthy sleeping environment with minimized amounts of bacteria and allergens. It’s recommended to put on fresh sheets every 1 or 2 weeks, depending on their habits and other relevant factors. For instance, if they snack in bed, they sleep with their pets, or are prone to allergies, it’s preferable to do it weekly or even twice a week. 

Handle the laundry

Take a hamper and collect dirty clothes around the room. Let your little ones sort it by colors before throwing it in the washer. If you have a basket with several compartments, it can be easier and more fun for children to separate their clothing items. 

Tackle mirrors, windows & corners

Get your set of microfiber cloths ready and start working your way from top to bottom, wiping down light fixtures, window sills, and corners, making sure you don’t skip any hard-to-reach areas. Dampening your clot with a gentle all-purpose solution will help you remove dust efficiently. Use your preferred glass cleaner to remove smudges from mirrors and windows. 

Disinfect toys

As you sort through the toys, use this opportunity to toss the broken ones or donate those that your kid has outgrown. Throw any stuffed washables into your washer and soak plastic toys in a solution of warm water and a bit of mild soap. As for electronic toys, it’s only safe to wipe them down with a cloth once you’ve unplugged them or removed the batteries. 

house cleaners southington co Finish off with the floor

Finally, it’s time to take care of the floor. Vacuum it thoroughly, making sure you reach behind and under the furniture. Mop with an appropriate solution, depending on the type of your flooring material. 

Where in Southington, CT can I find reliable house cleaners?

Whether you need a comprehensive kitchen cleanup or you’re looking for reliable experts to outsource your housekeeping tasks to, reach out to Clean My Space. Our experienced and detail-oriented technicians will apply tried-and-true methods to make sure each corner of your home is thoroughly taken care of. Whether you live near the Woodruff House or across the area, we’re here to assist you. Give us a call today!