Stainless steel adds a sleek and classy touch to any kitchen. However, maintaining its shine and appeal can be challenging, especially with the little ones around. Keeping up with all those smudges seems like an impossible task. 

Thanks to reputable companies in Newington that provide comprehensive house cleaning, you won’t have to worry about the shine of your stainless steel. However, if you’d like to tackle it on your own, the following tips can help you stay on top of it.  

newington house cleaningHow do you keep stainless steel appliances clean and shiny?

Even with new finishes such as black, white, matte, and glossy, stainless steel is still among the most popular choices due to its aesthetics and practicality, so let’s discover more about the care it deserves:

Save it from scratches

Stainless steel appliances feature a smooth nonporous surface that helps keep bacteria away and, despite the daily wear and tear, won’t rust easily. However, if it gets scratched, the affected area may easily become susceptible to staining and rusting. Handling your appliances with care can help save them from these unsightly stains.

Ensure a complete clean

When taking care of your oven or range, you may find some nasty buildup in the small crevices around knobs since they’re not easy to reach and disinfect properly. Removing these knobs will allow you to thoroughly disinfect the entire surface, leaving your range or oven fully sanitized and safe to use. 

Homemade solutions

Using some items from your pantry can be all you need to give your surfaces a nice shine. You can dampen a clean cloth with a bit of vinegar or olive oil and gently polish the surface. However, make sure you follow the grain direction as doing the opposite may result in scratching. 

Cotton cloths

Rough or bristle tools can only damage stainless steel. Instead of scrub brushes or abrasive sponges that can leave scratches, or even paper towels that leave behind lint and in some cases scratches as well, opt for cotton cloths. This way, you’ll ensure a gentle yet effective clean while preventing any damage. 

Commercial products

If you prefer, you can explore some commercial options. Store bought cleaners that are made specifically for stainless steel typically contain silicone oil which will help eliminate smudges and fingerprints. 

Another option is a polishing paste that creates a wax-like layer once applied, making the surface easier to clean. As always, make sure you apply it in the direction of the grain. Should you decide to remove it, you’ll need to use some rubbing alcohol. 

house cleaning newingtonDrying is necessary

Whichever method you choose to use on your stainless steel appliances, it’s essential that you dry the surface thoroughly once you’re done cleaning. Leaving any wet areas or residue can cause dark spots in the affected area. Make sure you use a clean and dry cloth to wipe dry the surface or even buff for added shine. 

Where in Newington can I find trusted house cleaning?

When it’s time for a thorough spring clean, but you’re simply not in the right mood and lack motivation to do some proper housekeeping, Clean My Space is here to help. With our reliable team of experienced and dedicated technicians, you can rest easy knowing that your home is properly taken care of. We apply cutting-edge equipment and advanced methods to thoroughly sanitize your surfaces while preserving their integrity. Whether your home is in Newington or across Hartford County, we’re here to give it the care it deserves. Get in touch with us today and enjoy the benefits of working with our crew!