Adulthood comes with several hard truths. For example, you can’t keep eating like a 20-year-old because of a slowing metabolism. You can’t escape taxes and carpet stains are inevitable.

You can avoid the last one by avoiding carpets like a plague. But carpets bring a certain softness and warmth to any room. They also come in various styles so you won’t be lacking in choice. Carpets and rugs are also great for muffling sounds.

Cleaning carpet stains isn’t a hardship either. You can include it in the job description if you hire a housekeeper. But there are also simple things you can do to get ahead of that situation. After all, stains have to be cleaned fast. You’ll have a harder time removing them if you leave them for later. Here’s how to clean carpet stains like a pro.

Remove What You Can

The first thing a commercial cleaning company would do in this situation is to try and remove any excess. Pick up food bits. Scrape off candle wax or gum. Blot out spilled coffee or wine. This will help stop the stain from spreading.

Use a clean and absorbent cloth to blot out any liquid. Start from the edge of the stain and work your way toward the center. Do not rub the stain as it could ruin the carpet’s fibers.

Work in a Stain Remover

Apply a good stain remover on the remaining spot. Make sure you follow the instructions on how to use the product. Do a test first to check if the solution will affect the fiber’s color. Apply the remover in a small spot first to check its effect.

There are a multitude of effective stain removers on the market today. But you can also make your own natural cleaning solution. A vinegar solution is ideal. Stir in ¼ teaspoon of vinegar into a quart of water. Mix in several drops of dishwashing liquid. Spray the solution on the stain. Don’t apply too much though. You don’t want to get the stained area too wet.

Start Blotting Stain Away

Blot away the stain remover using a white cloth. The color is important as you want to see when the stain is no longer transferring to the cloth. Dampen the cloth with cold water before applying it to the stained patch. Follow it up with a dry cloth. You can also place a thick paper towel over the area. Weigh the cloth down with something heavy. Change out the towels until the carpet dries.

Deal with Reappearing Stains

Some stains are stubborn and treacherous. They disappear when you clean them but reappear after several days. This is due to soiling or wicking. Soiling is when the original stain attracts dirt. It happens when the stain wasn’t rinsed and blotted well. Wicking happens when the spilled substance seeped into the carpet backing. You thought you cleaned the stain but the substance works its way back to the surface.

What’s the best way to deal with this? Cleaners for hire suggest pouring a small amount of warm water on the spot. Place white towels on top and weigh them down. Leave it overnight. You can also do the stain removal process again. But make sure you stack down weighted towels on the stained area.

You’ll need to call in independent house cleaners if the problem continues. They might have to pull back the carpet to check the underside. These professionals also know what to do with the subfloor.

Common Questions About Cleaning Carpet Stains

·         Do carpets shrink like clothes? 

There are instances when carpets could shrink. But this only happens for two reasons. The use of excessive cleaning solutions is one reason. Second, there was too much heat applied to the material. A good cleaning company knows how to clean carpet stains so they won’t shrink.

·         Why are carpet commercial cleaning companies better? 

A professional carpet cleaner has the know-how, the training, and the equipment you don’t have. They know what’s the best technique to use for specific carpet types. They also know the proper procedure to ensure efficient and effective cleaning.

·         Can stains be 100% removed from carpets and rugs? 

That will depend on several factors. The kind of stain and how long it’s been on the fabric pile will determine if the cleaners for hire can remove it. The longer the stain’s left untouched, the harder it is to clean. The type of carpet fiber and the cleaning solution used also have an impact. But professional cleaners will do their best to make sure they remove as much of the stain as they can.

We’re All About Your Needs

There’s a reason thousands of households in Connecticut trust Clean My Space CT. We’re one of the top professional cleaners in the New Britain, CT area. Our cleaning team is well-trained and trustworthy. We also work around your schedule and budget. Our company specializes in office and residential cleaning. We also offer disinfection services and moving in and out cleaning. We’re also known for our easy communication. You can reach us at (860) 539-8725 or at